State of Motivation

State of Motivation

State of Motivation Quiz

Are you motivated to accomplish what you really want in life? Do you harness your personal power to get things done? Take this quiz to calculate your “state of motivation.”

The Universe could care less about what you and I want in life. Everyone wants more in life and yet most are not any closer now to getting it than when they first decided they wanted it. The secret to success is not desire, hard work or even being a good person. The secret is Motivation.

Are you motivated to accomplish what you really want in life? Do you harness your personal power to get things done? Take this quiz to calculate your “state of motivation”. Find out if you just want things or if you are really motivated to get them as well. Or find out if you self sabotage … no matter what you want you just can't seem to pull it off.

Give an honest yes or no answer to each of the following questions:

1. Have you wanted some specific things, events or circumstances very badly and for a long time, yet are still not much closer to attaining them?
Yes No
2. Have you basically given up on ever having them?
Yes No
3. Do you feel you live in some sort of resignation about them?
Yes No
4. Do you tend to procrastinate about things you know you need to do?
Yes No
5. Do you forget things you know you need to do?
Yes No
6. Do you have problems that you have not been able to solve that prevent you from reaching your goals?
Yes No
7. Do you find yourself frustrated and struggling to achieve, no matter what?
Yes No
8. Do you find yourself finding good reasons why what you want to accomplish probably won't work anyway?
Yes No
9. Do you ever feel like you do NOT deserve the success you want?
Yes No
10. Do you focus on what won't work?
Yes No
11. Do you worry a lot about the future?
Yes No
12. Do you often see your future as scary, lonely, broken or dysfunctional?
Yes No
13. Do you find yourself achieving just enough to get by or just enough to look good enough?
Yes No
14. Do you find yourself slacking off after a really good run on success?
Yes No
15. Have you pretty much maintained the status quo in the last 10 years?
Yes No
16. Have things gotten worse for you in the areas of your goals?
Yes No
17. Do you find yourself wanting sleep to go by fast so you can get up and get at it?
Yes No
18. Do you find yourself working at achieving every day?
Yes No
19. Are you having fun working at achieving your goals?
Yes No
20. Are you a continuing student in the areas that would support you in achieving your goals?
Yes No
21. Do you find yourself being lucky or having good fortune in life?
Yes No
22. Do you find yourself solving problems easily?
Yes No
23. Do you attract others to support you in achieving your goals?
Yes No
24. Have you made some progress in achieving your goals?
Yes No
25. Have you made a lot of progress in achieving your goals?
Yes No
26. Do you expect you will achieve most of the rest of your goals?
Yes No
27. In your mind, do you see pictures of your success most of the time?
Yes No
28. Do you rehearse in your mind exactly what it will look like when you achieve your goals?
Yes No
29. Do you know in your heart how you will feel when you achieve your goals?
Yes No
30. Are you completely “on fire” about achieving your goals, knowing that they are inevitable?
Yes No
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